The categories of Hip Hop are:
Solo male, Solo female, Duo, Small Group and Formation.
Age Divisions see in General Provisions of Street Dance Disciplines.
1. Duration of Performance: Organizer‟s music 1 minute.
2. Tempo: 27 - 28 bars per minute (108 - 112 beats per minute) (downbeat, more groove).
3. Characteristics and Movement: Hip-Hop includes different new dance styles, such as Hype Dance, New-Jack- Swing, Jamming, etc., adding creative elements such as stops, jokes, flashes, swift movements, etc. Some Electric Boogie movements can be performed but should not dominate. Hip-Hop is mostly danced on the eighth notes with a typical bounce or jumping action (New-Jack-Swing).
4. Acrobatic Movements: Permitted as outlined under General Provisions of Street Dance Disciplines, including those typical of Break Dance,  but should not control /dominate  the performance.
5. Lifts: Not permitted as outlined under General Provisions of Street Dance Disciplines.
6. Stage Props: Not permitted (see more under General Provisions of Street Dance Disciplines)
7. Special Note for Duos: Both dancers should dance together, not only for themselves or one by one. Their performance should include synchronized steps such as Follow the     Leader, shadow and mirror design, as well as patterns and dancing the same steps. A mixture of all possibilities is important.
8. The procedure of Competition: In each round, the dancers perform three (3) times. Each group of competitors begins and ends with a one-minute performance dancing together in each round. Number of dancers on the floor in subsequent rounds during the second minute of performance is specified in the Section 3.12.2 General Rules & Regulations for Competitions. Both the opening and final minutes are to give the Judges an opportunity to compare dancers. To avoid any risk of injuries Judges shall walk around the competition floor in opening and final presentations.


1. Length of Exhibition: Organizer´s music for 2 minutes.
2. Tempo: 27 - 28 bars per minute (108 - 112 beats per minute), downbeat, groove.
3. Dancers of each group dance together, two or three at a time. In the final round, they perform one by one.
4. Musicality, (rhythm, breaks), dance variety and originality, together with well-done and well-performed stage and individual choreography, will be highly evaluated. It is very important to present the harmony of music, dance, and costume, which should underline the special Hip-Hop character.
5. Lifts: Not permitted as outlined under General Provisions of Street Dance Disciplines.
6. Stage Props: Not permitted (see more under General Provisions of Street Dance Disciplines).
7. Groups will be judged as a whole. Solo parts may be performed but must not control/dominate.
8. All other rules are as outlined under Hip Hop: Solo Male / Female, Duo


1. Formations dance to their own music.
2. Length of Exhibition: 2 minutes&30 seconds minimum to 3 minutes maximum.
3. Tempo for Hip Hop Formation cannot be more than 30 bars per minute (120 beats), there is no limit down. However, it is allowed to be out of this tempo range for a maximum of 30 seconds. The music in Hip Hop Formation shall be really Hip Hop music with clear Hip Hop beat but without restriction in tempo. Only 30 sec. maybe out of Hip Hop music.
(AGM 2016, Implementation date 1st January 2017)
4. Music: Must be typically Hip Hop as it is currently known in the Hip Hop scene, including breakbeats.
5. Formations will be judged as a whole. Solo parts may be performed but must not dominate.
6. Lifts: Permitted only in junior and adult formation.
7. Stage Props: Not permitted (see more under General Provisions of Street Dance Disciplines). All other rules are as outlined under Hip Hop: Solo Male / Female, Duo & SmallGroup.