




The categories of Disco Dance are:
Solo male, solo female, duo, small group and formation.
Age Divisions see in General Provisions of Street Dance Disciplines.


Adult division duo is divided into two categories: 
DUO female-female
DUO male-female or duo male-male
The dancer must only be represented in either two females, two males or male/female in any given competition.
1. Duration of Performance:
    Organizer´s music: the first presentation is 30 seconds, then 1 minute, last presentation 1 minute.  (Implementation 1.1.2018)
2. Tempo: 34 - 35 bars per minute (136 - 140 beats per minute)
3. The procedure of Competition: In each round, the dancers perform three (3) times. 
Each group of competitors begins with 30 seconds and ends with a one-minute performance dancing together in each round- Number of dancers on the floor in subsequent rounds during the second minute of performance is specified in the Section 3 General Rules & Regulations for Competitions. Both opening and final presentations minutes are to give the Adjudicators an opportunity to compare dancers. To avoid any risk of injuries Adjudicators shall walk around the competition floor in the opening and final presentations.
4. Characteristics and Movement: Disco Dance movements must dominate all performances. The dance is free, and all styles of disco dancing are permitted.
5. Acrobatic Movements are defined under General Provisions of Street Dance Disciplines and are not permitted.
6. Lifts are defined under General Provisions of Street Dance Disciplines and are not permitted.
7. Stage Props are defined under General Provisions of Street Dance Disciplines and are not permitted.
8. Allowable Figures and Movements: Slides, leaps, jumps, kicks, spins, and pirouettes. Floor figures such as splits, back and bump spins are allowed but should be kept to a minimum. Long-running jumps moving across the floor must not exceed four-step at a time. In the first and last presentation of disco dance DUO, the dancers are not allowed to perform jumps over in duos. (Implementation 1.1.2018)
    Restriction for MINI age division: 
The following elements are not allowed in the Mini Kids division:  jump over in duos, split jumps into the floor and combination of elements using extreme back flexibility. (Implementation 1.1.2018)
  9. Musicality, (rhythm, breaks), dance variety and originality will be highly evaluated.
10. Clothing is of one’s own choice but must fit properly and always be in good taste and following Code of Ethics. Dancers are not allowed to change their costume during a performance or during the competition unless it is ordered because of an infraction of the Costume Rules.
11. Special Note for Duos: Both performers should dance together, not only for themselves or one by one. Their performance should include synchronized steps such as Follow the Leader shadow and mirror designs, as well as pattern work and dancing as one. A mixture of all possibilities is important.


1. Duration of Performance: Organizer´s music 2 minutes. The time limit of Disco Dance Group in the Children and MINI age divisions is 1:30
2. Tempo: 34 - 35 bars per minute (136 - 140 beats per minute).
3. Stage Props are defined under the General Provisions of Street Dance Section and are not permitted.
4. Allowable Figures and Movements: As outlined under Solo Male / Female and Duo but jumps must be performed without help.
5. Lifts are defined under General Provisions of Street Dance Section and are not permitted.
6. Groups dance two groups at a time in all rounds up to the final round. In the final round, each group dances alone.
7. All other rules are as outlined under Solo Male / Female and Duo.
1. Formations dance to their own music. Disco music with a clear beat is recommended.
2. Duration of Performance: 2:30 minutes minimum, 3 minutes maximum
3. Tempo: 30 – 38 bars per minute or 120 – 152 beats per minute. However, it is allowed to be out of this tempo range and music character for a maximum of 30 seconds.        Disco Dance Formation competitors are not allowed to change their own music during the competition from one to another round.
4. Formations will be judged as a whole. Solo parts may be performed, but should not dominate.
5. Allowable Figures and Movements: As outlined under Solo Male / Female and Duo but jumps must be performed without help.
6. Lifts are defined under General Provisions of Street Dance Disciplines and are not permitted.
7. Stage Props are defined under General Provisions of Street Dance Disciplines and are not permitted.
8. It is not necessary to present any story or “show” in Formation performances.
9. Musicality, dance variety and originality, synchronization, together with well-done and well-performed, stage and individual choreography, will be highly evaluated. It is very important to present the harmony of the idea, music, dance and costume.
10. All other rules are as outlined under Solo Male / Female, Duo and Small Group.


The categories of Disco Dance Freestyle are:
Adult solo male, Adult solo female, Junior solo male, Junior solo female.
Age Divisions see in General Provisions of Street Dance Disciplines.
1. Duration of Performance: Organizer´s music - the first presentation is 30 seconds, then 1 minute, last presentation 1 minute. (Implementation 1.1.2018)
2. Tempo: 33 - 35 bars per minute (132 - 140 beats per minute)
3. Characteristics and Movement: The dance is free and all kinds of movements are permitted, but Disco Dance steps and movements must dominate.
4. Acrobatic Movements are permitted as outlined and defined under General Provisions of StreetDance Section. Acrobatic Movements should be an integral part of Disco Dance Free Style performances, but should not control/ dominate the routine. The dance and acrobatic movements performed should be joined together smoothly, and must be in harmony with the music. Compulsory Elements: Turning rounds, jumps, looseness and flexibility.
NOTE: Acrobatic movements/ figures are NOT permitted in the opening or final presentation in each round.
The Procedure of Competition: In each round, the dancers perform three (3) times. Each group of competitors begins with 30 seconds presentation and ends with a one-minute performance dancing together in each round. Number of dancers on the floor in subsequent rounds during the second minute of performance is specified in Section 3 of General Rules & Regulations for Competitions. (Implementation 1.1.2018) Both the opening and final presentations are to give the Adjudicators an opportunity to compare dancers. To avoid any risk of injuries Adjudicators shall walk around the competition floor in the opening and final presentation.
6. Disco Freestyle competitions are not organized in Children age division.
7. Dancers are not allowed to change their costume during a performance or during the competition unless it is ordered because of an infraction of the Costume Rules.